Learning and Where It Belongs in the Corporate World

Instructional Design Training Shows How to Make Learning a Competitive Advantage

For those of us in instructional design consulting, we should always keep foremost in mind that learning belongs in the corporate world insofar as it promotes an organization’s strategy. To really provide value to the organizations we work with, we should help to elevate learning to where it belongs…as a competitive advantage for the enterprise. We must always ask not only how to put together an effective learning program but why it should be created at all.

As we consult with our primary contacts in learning and development, how can we increase their influence and effectiveness? How can we enhance their stature and the importance of what they bring to the workforce?

Here are some ways we can support them:
  • Be sure they are clear on the company’s business strategies, priorities and challenges.
  • Help them align their learning strategy with the business strategy.
  •  Coach them on ways to build credible working relationships at the executive level with the goal of becoming a trusted advisor and earning the right to sit at (and set) the executive table.
  •  Collaborate to set up a process of measurement that demonstrates how learning successes contribute and support the short-term success and long-term health of the business.
Learn more at: http://www.lsaglobal.com/instructional-design-consulting-train-the-trainer/

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