If only learning were a matter of pouring facts into brains. But it’s not and, of course, real learning is much more than picking up facts. It’s the actual acquisition of knowledge or skills by being taught, studying, practicing or experience.
For those of us in the instructional design consulting field, learning is very complex and is accomplished many different ways. The challenge for us is to engage learners in a way that is easiest for the majority of them to absorb in a way that they can apply back on-the-job.
We need to be aware that not all learners learn easily or by the same method. We need to provide as many different paths as we can. Knowledge and skills should be presented in written form and verbally, in active form through practice and role plays, reiterated through group discussion and even in games.
Variety in the modes of instruction and reinforcement will involve more learners and better ensure that the skills and knowledge are taken in and become part of one’s behavior on the job.
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