If You Care, Include Measurement in Your Instructional Design

Whether you are designing a workshop for a small group to address just a few specific skills or a comprehensive, company-wide learning initiative, you will not know how successful the effort unless you measure results.

Any instructional design consulting professional worth their salt will tell you that if you care, you will set up an evaluation process that will track your progress on the program’s objectives.

Certainly program participants will be a part of this evaluation, but it is the on-the-job behaviors and corresponding performance that will be the true measure of effectiveness. Poorer students will sometimes underrate the really good programs because the expectations are too high for them to reach. This does not mean the program has failed. It means that these students need a closer look. Are they fully capable of performance improvement? If so, provide extra support. If not, let them go. Reliance upon student evaluations alone will not tell the whole story.

Learn more at: http://www.lsaglobal.com/instructional-design-consulting-train-the-trainer/

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