Three Simple Keys to Respecting the Training Clock

Late arrivals can undermine the serious purpose of your training program and hinder the timing and follow of your instructional design.

Not only do stragglers disrupt the critical introductory launch but, unless dealt with effectively, they encourage others to disrespect start and stop time commitments for the rest of the program.
  1. First, be sure that you as facilitator are on site and ready to begin on time. Then do so. That is the way to signal your appreciation for the participants who were present at the beginning.

  2. Set up the “rules of the road” with the class regarding behavior such as not interrupting each other and respect for differing opinions, and include an agreement on punctuality.

  3. Whenever you reconvene, start off with something important. Very soon participants will understand that if they are late, they will miss critical information. Distribute handouts or give instructions on the next exercise.
It also helps to have the support of the manager in charge so they can encourage their team members to respect the clock and, therefore, value the learning opportunity.

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