3 Great Ways to Create a Positive Classroom Environment

Most new learners are somewhat anxious as a training program begins as to whether they will be able to pick up new skills quickly enough to avoid embarrassment in front of their peers. Instructional design training experts know how critical it is to create a positive classroom environment…one in which participants trust that there will be an atmosphere of mutual respect.

Assuming that the highly content is relevant to the participants, their bosses and the company, follow these steps to set the stage for efficient and effective learning:
  1.  Agree that all viewpoints will be welcomed and valued.  Demonstrate that you care what the participants think by asking for their expectations of the program.
  2. Model a genuine attitude of openness by using non-judgmental language and being sure that there are no negative consequences for sharing thoughts and opinions.
  3. Strive for approximately 30% information sharing and about 70% experiential activities that rotate between individual, one-on-one, small and large group designs to account for varied learning styles and desired outcomes.
Without a positive learning environment, you will have a class full of “prisoners” who become less and less motivated to participate fully in the learning experience.

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